NASDA calls for uniform industry standards for testing industrial hemp

National Association of State Departments of Agriculture supports standards for testing and sampling of hemp crops

The National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA) approved an action item urging development of uniform standards for hemp testing and sampling at its annual meeting. NASDA members are calling for a working group of states to identify these standards for which state departments of agriculture will administer industrial hemp programs.

NASDA considered the question of uniform standards for hemp regulators at its annual meeting on September 11th in Hartford, CT. Agriculture department officials we spoke with indicated that hemp was significant topic of discussion and that a number of state agriculture heads shared concerns regarding a lack of uniformity in how hemp testing was being handled from state to state.

NASDA supports the development of uniform industry standards including the establishment of consistent procedures for states that require testing, for field sampling, sample preparation, and the testing of industrial hemp for THC by the gas chromatography method. NASDA encourages state adoption of uniform industry standards to avoid a patchwork of testing and grading criteria throughout the states. NASDA Members call for a working group of states to identify these standards for which state departments of agriculture will administer industrial hemp programs under.

To view a copy of the NASDA hemp action item, click here.